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Join Date: 18/06/2016
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Musca-1 model airplane plan

Musca-1  ( 26.6 in. / 67.5 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Aeropiccola Musca-1. This is a control line aircraft, instructions are in Italian, but all the parts (ribs, formers) are accounted for.

Musca-1 Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Control-Line
Use: Civilian
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 26.6 in. / 67.5 cm
Publisher: Aeropiccola
Designer: F. Battu
Date: 01/1956
Plan File Info:
ID: 94541
File Size: 2.6 MB
Downloads: 86
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:32
Updated: 28/06/16 05:50:08am

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Indoor Endurance Tractor model airplane plan

Indoor Endurance Tractor  ( 19 in. / 48.3 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

This is a free flight thermal airplane meant to be flown indoors

Indoor Endurance Tractor Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Thermal
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 19 in. / 48.3 cm
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company
Designer: Merrill Hamburg
Date: 01/1928
Plan File Info:
ID: 94486
File Size: 163.3 KB
Downloads: 61
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 25/06/16 03:27:42am

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Fairchild F-24 C8 model airplane plan

Fairchild F-24 C8

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Flying Scale Inc, rubber band powered Fairchild F-24 C8

Plan File Info:
ID: 94426
File Size: 1.7 MB
Downloads: 145
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 22/06/16 09:07:06am

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Daydreamer model airplane plan

Daydreamer  ( 63.75 in. / 161.9 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Daydreamer from RC Modeler Magazine This is a 3CH RC sport flyer with a 63.75 inch wingspan. Plans are typical of what you find with RCM. Attached is a low quality (but generally legible) copy of...

Daydreamer Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Civilian
Motor: Diesel-Powered
Wingspan: 63.75 in. / 161.9 cm
Publisher: RC Modeler Magazine
Designer: Bob Wallace
Date: 11/1995
Plan File Info:
ID: 94398
File Size: 2.9 MB
Downloads: 145
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 22/06/16 09:06:34pm

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Bucker model airplane plan

Bucker  ( 24 in. / 61 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Aeropiccola of Torino, Italy "Bucker", also known as the "Bucker Jungman" This is a 610mm wingspan control line aircraft, plan is complete with wing ribs and formers.

Bucker Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Control-Line
Use: Civilian
Motor: Gas-Powered
Wingspan: 24 in. / 61 cm
Publisher: Aeropiccola
Designer: Domenico Conte
Date: 01/1975
Plan File Info:
ID: 94351
File Size: 679.0 KB
Downloads: 123
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:30
Updated: 22/06/16 09:06:29am

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Duck Foot model airplane plan

Duck Foot  ( 32 in. / 81.3 cm )


This is the Duck Foot, a 32" amphibious aircraft (with options for landing gear). First published in Aeromodeller, Dec 1955. The model appears to be glow powered, plans suggest a .46 to .5 cc...

Duck Foot Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Civilian
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 32 in. / 81.3 cm
Publisher: Aeromodeller
Designer: R. Swinden
Date: 12/1955
Plan File Info:
ID: 94411
File Size: 1.8 MB
Downloads: 150
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 22/06/16 09:05:28am

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Easy 200 model airplane plan

Easy 200  ( 62.4 in. / 158.5 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Easy 200 biplane from RC Modeler Magazine, April 1990 4 Channel RC, Wing span is roughly 5.2 feet. Plans are not the highest quality, but should be sufficient to build the aircraft.

Easy 200 Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Sport
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 62.4 in. / 158.5 cm
Publisher: RC Modeler Magazine
Designer: Laddie Mikulasko
Date: 04/1990
Plan File Info:
ID: 94414
File Size: 7.8 MB
Downloads: 161
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 22/06/16 09:04:36am

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Acro-bat model airplane plan

Acro-bat  ( 56.7 in. / 144 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

This is an H.debolt Acro-bat from 1966. Top wingspan: 57” Bottom wingspan: 48” Flying weight: 5.75 lbs, based on 1966 numbers, YMMV (Your Millage, May Varry) Engine .29 to .60 2 stroke or...

Acro-bat Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Acro
Motor: Gas-Powered
Wingspan: 56.7 in. / 144 cm
Publisher: H.deBolt
Designer: H.deBolt
Date: 01/1966
Plan File Info:
ID: 94298
File Size: 3.1 MB
Downloads: 164
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:30
Updated: 22/06/16 09:03:14am

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Dennyplane Junior model airplane plan

Dennyplane Junior  ( 72 in. / 182.9 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

The Dennyplane Junior, by Reginald Denny Industries This is a scaled down version of the "Dennyplane" which is based off the Fairchild 24G. This particular copy of the plane appears to...

Dennyplane Junior Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Civilian
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 72 in. / 182.9 cm
Publisher: Reginald Denny Industries
Designer: Fred Hardy
Date: 11/1964
Plan File Info:
ID: 94403
File Size: 3.5 MB
Downloads: 117
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 21/06/16 09:52:09pm

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Cessna C-165 Airmaster model airplane plan

Cessna C-165 Airmaster  ( 13 in. / 33 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Design by John Blankenship, Published in Flying Models Magazine October 1973

Cessna C-165 Airmaster Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Civilian
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 13 in. / 33 cm
Publisher: Flying Models
Designer: John Blankenship
Date: 10/1983
Plan File Info:
ID: 93837
File Size: 239.8 KB
Downloads: 144
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 02:35
Updated: 20/06/16 12:45:08am

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1938 Bomber model airplane plan

1938 Bomber  ( 96 in. / 243.8 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

1938 Bomber, aka The Lanzo Bomber from 1938 by Chester Lanzo This particular plan calls for an Ohlsson .60 glow engine, rather than the rubber band powered original.

1938 Bomber Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Thermal
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 96 in. / 243.8 cm
Publisher: Chester Lanzo
Designer: Chester Lanzo
Plan File Info:
ID: 92443
File Size: 1.8 MB
Downloads: 142
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 22/07/2015 23:00
Updated: 20/06/16 12:36:18am

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Jetster .20 model airplane plan

Jetster .20  ( 48 in. / 121.9 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Midwest Products Jester .20 RC plane from 1979 This plan includes a hand drawn full scale copy of the ribs and formers. Looks to be a simplification/mash-up of an He-162 and a V1 flying bomb This...

Jetster .20 Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Fighter
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 48 in. / 121.9 cm
Designer: Dick Sarpolus
Date: 10/1979
Plan File Info:
ID: 94492
File Size: 2.8 MB
Downloads: 224
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 20/04/18 03:28:40pm

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Brewster F2A-1 Buffalo model airplane plan

Brewster F2A-1 Buffalo  ( 26 in. / 66 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Brewster F2A-1 Buffalo by Whitman publishing company. 26" wingspan, Rubber band powered Very detailed plan including plans for the canopy and decals! EDIT 9/14/2016 Thank you to Lincon for...

Brewster F2A-1 Buffalo Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Fighter
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 26 in. / 66 cm
Publisher: Whitman Publishing Company
Designer: Whitman Publishing Company
Date: 01/1939
Plan File Info:
ID: 94348
File Size: 5.4 MB
Downloads: 319
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:30
Updated: 14/09/16 10:33:17am

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Jeep model airplane plan

Jeep  ( 52 in. / 132.1 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Jeep aka Art Chesters Jeep. This is designed by Henry A. Haffke. The plans are very crowded, however everything is very legible and there is a complete set of wing ribs and fuselage...

Jeep Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Pylon-Racer
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 52 in. / 132.1 cm
Publisher: RC Sportsman
Designer: Henry A. Haffke
Date: 01/1976
Plan File Info:
ID: 94315
File Size: 1.4 MB
Downloads: 144
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:30
Updated: 09/03/19 05:00:54pm

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Monocoupe CL model airplane plan

Monocoupe CL  ( 39.4 in. / 100 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

This is a control line civil airplane designed to be flown outdoors

Monocoupe CL Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Control-Line
Use: Civilian
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 39.4 in. / 100 cm
Publisher: Aeropiccola
Designer: Aeropiccola
Plan File Info:
ID: 94538
File Size: 3.6 MB
Downloads: 97
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 03:32
Updated: 08/07/16 03:22:29am

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Capricorn model airplane plan

Capricorn  ( 39.4 in. / 100 cm )


Capricorn Plan Kit 236 Type Model FF Sport Glider. Wingspan 40in. Company Aero Flyte 1979

Capricorn Details:
Type: Sailplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Thermal
Motor: Not-Powered
Wingspan: 39.4 in. / 100 cm
Publisher: Aero Flyte
Designer: Aeroflyte
Date: 01/1979
Plan File Info:
ID: 93831
File Size: 936.5 KB
Downloads: 250
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: HellinPelican
Added: 09/01/2016 02:35
Updated: 02/09/22 03:22:51pm

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