AeroFred's R/C Plans Newsletter 14/09/24

Since 2006 has been a source for free R/C Model Airplane plans for thousands of modelers around the world...

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Another excellent tribute project made by Sérgio Alberto Daeuble in tribute to Mobral Modelismo do Brasil model brand and specially to it´s successful stunt trainer from the 60´s & 70´s that was the Manicaca II. This kit´s version plane was targeted to 15 to 20 engines and is very well known for is flying qualities as a very nice Stunt Trainer. The Manicaca 35 its a upgraded version with 120 cm wingspan that also uses flaps on wings with a weight target of 46 oz or around 1,3 kg this...

Updated: 28/11/23 05:42:43pm by stg61abc

STOL Pigeon-RCM-12-86 982

Our friend Larry built this model, the pictures above are his. This was built using your STOL Pigeon plan ID 90584. It's powered by an OS 35. I increased each wing to a length of 48 inches, enlarged the rudder by 30%, and converted to a bolt on wings versus the rubber bands on the plan. She flies great and is really a STOL plane. Larry Nieman

Updated: 22/02/23 06:54:44am by hatte

Latest Uploads

Slick 360 90cm model airplane plan

Mô hình máy bay 3D
Aeronca Profile .020 model airplane plan

This is the full sized print version of this plan.
Four Star 40 model airplane plan

You've done great with your first trainer and you still have a perfectly good .40 size engine and 4 channel radio. Now is the time to step up and start having some real fun. The Four-Star 40 has...
MANICACA 35 model airplane plan

Another excellent tribute project made by Sérgio Alberto Daeuble in tribute to Mobral Modelismo do Brasil model brand and specially to it´s successful stunt trainer from the 60´s & 70´s that...
p-38 lightning model airplane plan

piper tomahawk 20 model airplane plan

Lil Foiler model airplane plan

This is a build arrival for John Tanger’s Lil Foiler
Heath Super Parasol model airplane plan

Highly detailed model of one of the first "kitplanes" for rubber or 1/2A FF and 1/2A or electric RC. Plan also shows floats, 2 scale color schemes for landplane and seaplane versions, and...

Latest Edits

Picker 1 model airplane plan

Picker 1 Type Model: R/C Sport Trainer Wingspan: 120cm Highwing Engine: Glow O.S Max .10LA Control: 3 channels Designer: Tom Takamatsu Company: OK Model Pilot Video:...
Avia BH-3 model airplane plan

Avia BH-3 Type Model FF Rubber Scale Military Fighter. Wingspan 13in.Lowwing. Engine Rubber. Designer John Berryman. MB Date June 1989 More info here...
Trenton Terror model airplane plan

Trenton Terror Plan 1173 O.T Type Model FF Sport Trainer. Wingspan 72in.Highwing Engine Gas. Designer Mickey DeAngelis. Date July 1989 More info here...
Stinson U model airplane plan

Stinson U Plan 7892 Type Model CL Scale Civil. Wingspan 50in.Highwing Engine Glow Cox BB .049 Designer Mike Keville. Date July 1989 More info here...

Recommended by our Editors

Building Logs

Brigand FF 64in model airplane plan

Eclipson Z model airplane plan

Cadet Keil Kraft model airplane plan

Dust Devil model airplane plan

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