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There are 37 Model Airplane Plans on 4 pages. Currently displaying plan 1 to 10
Auster Ambulance model airplane plan

Auster Ambulance  ( 38 in. / 96.5 cm )

Model Aircraft

Auster Ambulance Plan MA 148 Type Model RC Scale Sport Civil. Wingspan 38in.Highwing. Engine Diesel E.D .049 Control 1 channel. Designer H.G. Johnson. Magazine Model Aircraft March 1953 More info...

Auster Ambulance Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Sport
Motor: Diesel-Powered
Wingspan: 38 in. / 96.5 cm
Publisher: Model Aircraft
Designer: H.G. Johnson
Date: 03/1953
Plan File Info:
ID: 103701
File Size: 1.4 MB
Downloads: 212
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 22/09/2021 08:17
Updated: 22/09/21 09:17:56am

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Auster Agricola model airplane plan

Auster Agricola  ( 19 in. / 48.3 cm )

Model Aircraft

Auster Agricola Type Model FF Scale Sport Civil. Wingspan 19in.Lowwing. Engine Rubber. Designer Ron Warring. Magazine Model Aircraft January 1957 More info here...

Auster Agricola Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Sport
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 19 in. / 48.3 cm
Publisher: Model Aircraft
Designer: Ron Warring
Date: 01/1957
Plan File Info:
ID: 103529
File Size: 752.7 KB
Downloads: 193
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 23/06/2021 18:45
Updated: 25/07/21 07:36:00pm

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Auster AOP Mk 9 model airplane plan

Auster AOP Mk 9

3 Views of Airplanes for Model Airplane Design

Auster Aop Mk 9 Magazine Modelar November 1995

Auster AOP Mk 9 Details:
Type: Airplane
Use: Trainer
Publisher: Modelar
Date: 11/1995
Plan File Info:
ID: 103146
File Size: 44.3 KB
Downloads: 372
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 27/11/2020 09:17
Updated: 02/02/21 10:33:13am

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Auster AOP 9 model airplane plan

Auster AOP 9  ( 12 in. / 30.5 cm )


Auster AOP 9 Plan 582 FK Type Model FF Scale Military. Wingspan 12in.Highwing. Engine Rubber. Company Frog

Auster AOP 9 Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Trainer
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 12 in. / 30.5 cm
Publisher: Frog
Plan File Info:
ID: 103066
File Size: 206.8 KB
Downloads: 225
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 09/09/2020 07:11
Updated: 09/09/20 08:12:16am

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Auster B4 Ambulance  model airplane plan

Auster B4 Ambulance   ( 56 in. / 142.2 cm )


Auster B4 Ambulance  Plan Vector Type Model RC Scale Civil. Wingspan 56in.Highwing. Engine Diesel. Control 1 channel. Designer A.A Stowell. Magazine Aeromodeller November 1953 More info here...

Auster B4 Ambulance  Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Sport
Motor: Diesel-Powered
Wingspan: 56 in. / 142.2 cm
Publisher: Aeromodeller
Designer: A.A Stowell
Date: 11/1953
Plan File Info:
ID: 102687
File Size: 215.5 KB
Downloads: 386
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 30/06/2020 11:06
Updated: 30/06/20 12:06:05pm

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Auster J-5 Autocrat model airplane plan

Auster J-5 Autocrat  ( 21 in. / 53.3 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Auster J-5 Autocrat Plan 12802 Type Model FF Scale Sport. Wingspan 21in.Highwing. Engine Rubber. Designer Steve Gardner. Date December 1980 More info here...

Auster J-5 Autocrat Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Sport
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 21 in. / 53.3 cm
Publisher: Model Builder
Designer: Steve Gardner
Date: 12/1980
Plan File Info:
ID: 101943
File Size: 133.6 KB
Downloads: 210
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 16/02/2019 08:30
Updated: 16/02/19 08:30:21am

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Auster Mk III model airplane plan

Auster Mk III  ( 21.7 in. / 55 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

Auster Mk III Type Model FF Scale Sport Civil Wingspan 55cm Highwing. Engine Rubber. Designer Z.Raska. Magazine Modelar May 1999 More info here...

Auster Mk III Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Civilian
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 21.7 in. / 55 cm
Publisher: Modelar
Designer: Z.Raska
Date: 05/1999
Plan File Info:
ID: 101700
File Size: 125.6 KB
Downloads: 342
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 12/10/2018 10:44
Updated: 12/10/18 11:44:52am

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Auster Arrowx Keil Kraft. model airplane plan

Auster Arrowx Keil Kraft.  ( 21 in. / 53.3 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

The Auster J/2 Arrow is a 1940s British single-engined two-seat high-wing touring monoplane built by Auster Aircraft Limited at Rearsby, Leicestershire, England. J/2 Arrow Role Touring...

Auster Arrowx Keil Kraft. Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Civilian
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 21 in. / 53.3 cm
Publisher: Keil Kraft
Designer: Albert E. Hatfull
Plan File Info:
ID: 99202
File Size: 498.6 KB
Downloads: 148
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: André
Added: 03/04/2017 19:16
Updated: 14/11/18 11:36:42pm

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

Auster V model airplane plan

Auster V  ( 35 in. / 88.9 cm )

Model Aircraft

This is a free flight semi-scale civil airplane designed to be flown outdoors

Auster V Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Civilian
Motor: Diesel-Powered
Wingspan: 35 in. / 88.9 cm
Publisher: Model Aircraft
Designer: H.G. Moore
Date: 04/1952
Plan File Info:
ID: 97731
File Size: 394.7 KB
Downloads: 203
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: jddieter
Added: 13/01/2017 16:13
Updated: 09/10/21 09:53:01am

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

Taylor Monoplane model airplane plan

Taylor Monoplane  ( 46 in. / 116.8 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

John Taylor designed the Taylor J.T.1 Monoplane in 1956, a 'homebuilt' single-seater light aircraft designed for moderately skilled builders using readily available tools. The plane first flew in...

Taylor Monoplane Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Civilian
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 46 in. / 116.8 cm
Publisher: Radio Control Scale Aircraft
Designer: Peter Miller
Date: 09/1988
Plan File Info:
ID: 98346
File Size: 586.5 KB
Downloads: 172
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: aeroastro
Added: 06/06/2016 15:16
Updated: 21/09/19 03:26:40am

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

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53.1in./135cm Span

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Eclipson Y
39.4in./100cm Span

Eclipson Y model airplane plan
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38.6in./98cm Span

MESSERSCHMITT BF 109T model airplane plan
Printed Kit in high quality PLA or PET.
Shipped in 2-3 business days. (PLA)

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