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There are 79 Model Airplane Plans on 8 pages. Currently displaying plan 1 to 10
P-39 Airacobra model airplane plan

P-39 Airacobra  ( 34.6 in. / 88 cm )


P-39 Airacobra Plan MT 1114 Type Model RC Scale Military Fighter. Wingspan 88cm.Lowwing. Engine Glow 2.5cc Control 3 channels. Designer Martin Elmberg. Magazine FMT July 1995 More info here...

P-39 Airacobra Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Fighter
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 34.6 in. / 88 cm
Publisher: FMT
Designer: Martin Elmberg
Date: 07/1995
Plan File Info:
ID: 103543
File Size: 76.6 KB
Downloads: 340
Comments: 1
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 29/06/2021 07:52
Updated: 20/06/22 03:37:52pm

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Airacobra model airplane plan

Airacobra  ( 27 in. / 68.6 cm )

Model Aircraft

Airacobra Plan MA 251 Type Model CL Scale Military Fighter. Wingspan 27in.Lowwing. Engine Diesel 2 - 3.5cc Designer B Reggiano. Magazine Model Aircraft January 1957 More info here...

Airacobra Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Control-Line
Use: Fighter
Motor: Diesel-Powered
Wingspan: 27 in. / 68.6 cm
Publisher: Model Aircraft
Designer: B Reggiano
Date: 01/1957
Plan File Info:
ID: 103528
File Size: 390.8 KB
Downloads: 154
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 23/06/2021 18:40
Updated: 25/07/21 01:29:57pm

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Cobra model airplane plan

Cobra  ( 72 in. / 183 cm )


Cobra Plan G 1700 Type Model FF Sport Glider. Wingspan 183cm Designer Fred Militky. Company Graupner January 1956

Cobra Details:
Type: Sailplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Sport
Wingspan: 72 in. / 183 cm
Publisher: Graupner
Designer: Fred Militky
Date: 01/1956
Plan File Info:
ID: 103028
File Size: 3.0 MB
Downloads: 224
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 28/08/2020 10:45

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SZD 36A Cobra model airplane plan

SZD 36A Cobra  ( 590.6 in. / 1500 cm )

3 Views of Airplanes for Model Airplane Design

SZD36A Cobra, a successor of the famous SZD 24 Foka.

SZD 36A Cobra Details:
Type: Glider
Class: Real-Vehicle
Use: Civilian
Wingspan: 590.6 in. / 1500 cm
Publisher: Private Collection
Designer: Zbigniew Luranc
Date: 01/1987
Plan File Info:
ID: 102609
File Size: 84.0 KB
Downloads: 473
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: Foka_pilot
Added: 04/05/2020 06:35
Updated: 04/05/20 07:35:20am

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Bell P-39 Airacobra model airplane plan

Bell P-39 Airacobra  ( 69 in. / 175.3 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Bell P-39 Airacobra Type Model RC Scale Military. Wingspan 69in.Lowwing. Engine Glow S.T .56 Control 4 channels. Designer Tony Bonetti. Magazine Model Airplane News February 1966

Bell P-39 Airacobra Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Fighter
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 69 in. / 175.3 cm
Publisher: Model Airplane News
Designer: Tony Bonetti
Date: 02/1966
Plan File Info:
ID: 102296
File Size: 890.9 KB
Downloads: 371
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 03/10/2019 08:04
Updated: 03/10/19 09:04:37am

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Bell P-39 Airacobra model airplane plan

Bell P-39 Airacobra  ( 22 in. / 55.9 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

Bell P-39 Airacobra Type Model FF Scale Military. Wingspan 22in.Lowwing. Engine Rubber. Designer Earl Stahl. Magazine Model Airplane News June 1941

Bell P-39 Airacobra Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Fighter
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 22 in. / 55.9 cm
Publisher: Model Airplane News
Designer: Earl Stahl
Date: 06/1941
Plan File Info:
ID: 102287
File Size: 222.0 KB
Downloads: 205
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 29/09/2019 09:06
Updated: 29/09/19 10:06:16am

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

Bell P-39 Airacobra model airplane plan

Bell P-39 Airacobra  ( 45.3 in. / 115 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

Bell P-39 Airacobra Plan 159 Type Model RC Scale Military. Wingspan 115cm Lowwing. Engine Glow 2.5 - 3.5cc Control 4 channels. Designer Jar.Fara. Magazine Modelar October 1988 More info here...

Bell P-39 Airacobra Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Fighter
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 45.3 in. / 115 cm
Publisher: Modelar
Designer: Jar.Fara
Date: 10/1988
Plan File Info:
ID: 101573
File Size: 347.9 KB
Downloads: 1071
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 05/08/2018 16:08
Updated: 05/08/18 05:08:48pm

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

Cobra 15 model airplane plan

Cobra 15  ( 18.1 in. / 46 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

Cobra 15 Type Model FF Scale Glider. Wingspan 46cm Designer Ludek Jirasek. Magazine Modelar January 1973 More info here https://rcbookcase.com/details.php?publication_id=1308

Cobra 15 Details:
Type: Glider
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Civilian
Wingspan: 18.1 in. / 46 cm
Publisher: Modelar
Designer: Ludek Jirasek
Date: 01/1973
Plan File Info:
ID: 99956
File Size: 37.6 KB
Downloads: 554
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 28/01/2018 16:54
Updated: 28/01/18 04:54:35pm

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

Airacobra model airplane plan

Airacobra  ( 37 in. / 94 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

Airacobra Type Model CL Scale Military. Wingspan 94cm Lowwing. Engine MVVS 2.5cc Designer Jar.Fara. Magazine Modelar November 1970 More info here...

Airacobra Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Control-Line
Use: Fighter
Motor: Diesel-Powered
Wingspan: 37 in. / 94 cm
Publisher: Modelar
Designer: Jar.Fara
Date: 11/1970
Plan File Info:
ID: 99685
File Size: 247.3 KB
Downloads: 283
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 07/11/2017 09:05
Updated: 07/11/17 09:05:29am

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

Airacobra model airplane plan

Airacobra  ( 43 in. / 109.2 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

Airacobra Plan 100 Type Model FF Scale Military. Wingspan 43in.Highwing. Engine Rubber. Designer K.H. Hodgsoar. Magazine K.H. Hodgsoar

Airacobra Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Fighter
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 43 in. / 109.2 cm
Publisher: Aeromodeller
Designer: K.H. Hodgsoar
Plan File Info:
ID: 99632
File Size: 762.3 KB
Downloads: 407
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 18/10/2017 10:45

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

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63.4in./161cm Span

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PZL P-11c
43.3in./110cm Span

PZL P-11c model airplane plan
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Shipped in 3-4 business days. (PLA)

38.6in./98cm Span

MESSERSCHMITT BF 109T model airplane plan
Printed Kit in high quality PLA or PET.
Shipped in 2-3 business days. (PLA)

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