Home Help edit attributes

Help to edit Plans Attributes.

The best way to allow modelers to find plans is to tag them with recognizable keywords or expressions in a way that each database entry is selectable by each one of these individual tags, expressions or keywords..

The new Edit Attributes function is perfect for finding plans but is not quick to implement, each plan has to be edited manually by a human, preferably a human with a good knowledge about model airplanes.

 Who can edit?

Editing Plans Attributes is reserved to site members with years of modelling experience. If you would like to try I can give you an easy batch to start please drop me a line here and let me know what kind of models do you know better (R/C, CL, FF).

 How to start editing?

To edit Plans Attributes you have to drop me a message here so I can assign a batch of plans to your account, after those plans have been edited a new batch will be assigned.

 Why helping to edit Plans Attributes?

Because with Attributes set the plans are much easier to find by anyone, specially those beginning to build model airplanes. It takes some experience to be able to read a plan and not everyone can see if a plan fits his needs just by looking at a thumbnail...

This will not only be a way to help beginners to find more adequate plans for their building and flying level but also to help veterans to filter CL or Free Flight Models and choose from that selection, instead of having to go page by page of all kinds of plans.

 How will it work?

Very simple, when a plan is added to the website the attributes can be set right on the Upload Plan page then, when looking for a plan just select the attribute you wish and browse the results.

 What Attributes should be edited

You should edit only the attributes that make sense, if you are editing a sailplane it's not needed to edit the motor size or the number of motors fields...

 How to know the wingspan?

When the wingspan is not declared but there is a scale that shows what should be an inch or a centimeter you can use this windows app: "A Ruller for Windows" to see how many pixels is an inch on the "Original" view and then, without changing the zoom, measure half of the wingspan in pixels, so: if 1 inch is like 50 pixels then 100 pixels is X; the wingspan should be X times 2.

 How to edit?

Editing Plans Attributes it's easy, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Go to the Advanced Search page
  3. Type your username in the search by username field and Search, those will be your plans to edit.
  4. Or go to your account's Control Panel and click "Plans owned by ...."
  5. Select a plan
  6. At the buttons area, right to the main buttons a new set of buttons will show up:
    (after you login and only for the plans included in the batch currently attributed to you).
  7. Click "Original" so you can see the plan in full detail on a new window or tab.
  8. Go back to the plan detail page and click "Edit" to edit the current plan Attributes.
  9. Choose the attributes you wish to alter from the dropdown menus and Save
  10. On the next page click the "Back to Plan" button.
  11. Scroll down to the main buttons area, click and you will be taken to the next plan to edit.

You can edit your files the number of times you need, when you feel all the files are done, contact me again so I can review the files and give you a new batch.

This video will show you exactly how this is done:

 Adding Extra Images, Video and Article.

The same way you can edite the plans attributes it is also possible to add pictures, video and an article to a plan listing. Have a look at this video:

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AeroFred.com is a Plans Sharing Community, not just a website to grab some plans.

Every day thousands of modelers visit us and download free model airplane and boat plans, plans shared by other modelers...

If you have plans that are not here please upload them, so others can build from them.

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