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*Fieseler Storch*
AeroFred.com/*Fieseler Storch*

There are 18 Model Airplane Plans on 2 pages. Currently displaying plan 1 to 10
fieseler fi 156 storch model airplane plan

fieseler fi 156 storch


Model plan not yet realized but close to the original attached

Plan File Info:
ID: 104229
File Size: 1.0 MB
Downloads: 630
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: storch29011943
Added: 09/08/2023 08:27

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Fieseler Fi 156 Storch model airplane plan

Fieseler Fi 156 Storch  ( 95 in. / 241.3 cm )


Fieseler Fi 156 Storch Type Model RC Scale Military Fighter. Wingspan 95in.Highwing. Engine Glow 10cc Control 5 channels. Company Svenson

Fieseler Fi 156 Storch Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Fighter
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 95 in. / 241.3 cm
Publisher: Svenson
Plan File Info:
ID: 103039
File Size: 3.3 MB
Downloads: 691
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 31/08/2020 07:45
Updated: 31/08/20 08:46:24am

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Fieseler Fi 156 Storch model airplane plan

Fieseler Fi 156 Storch  ( 139.4 in. / 354 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

hobby from Russia

Fieseler Fi 156 Storch Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Wingspan: 139.4 in. / 354 cm
Plan File Info:
ID: 99008
File Size: 3.7 MB
Downloads: 2283
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: Arfei
Added: 07/02/2017 16:48
Updated: 08/02/17 12:51:10pm

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Fieseler FI-156 Storch model airplane plan

Fieseler FI-156 Storch  ( 48 in. / 121.9 cm )


Fieseler FI-156 Storch. Plan 1344. Type Model RC Scale Military. Wingspan 46in.Highwing. Engine Electric. Control 4 - 5 channels. Designer Robert J Caso. Magazine RCModeler June 2005

Fieseler FI-156 Storch Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Trainer
Motor: Electric-Powered
Wingspan: 48 in. / 121.9 cm
Publisher: RCModeler
Designer: Robert J Caso
Date: 06/2005
Plan File Info:
ID: 97106
File Size: 2.2 MB
Downloads: 1274
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: hlsat
Added: 22/07/2016 18:14
Updated: 22/07/16 07:14:17pm

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Fiesler Storch 46 in model airplane plan

Fiesler Storch 46 in  ( 46 in. / 116.8 cm )


480 electric motor

Fiesler Storch 46 in Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Radio-Control
Use: Fighter
Motor: Electric-Powered
Wingspan: 46 in. / 116.8 cm
Publisher: RCModeler
Designer: Robert J Caso
Plan File Info:
ID: 94434
File Size: 2.2 MB
Downloads: 615
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: gkraemer
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 25/05/16 11:23:22pm

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Fieseler Storch Plan model airplane plan

Fieseler Storch Plan

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

This is a free flight semi-scale observation airplane designed to be flown outdoors

Plan File Info:
ID: 94433
File Size: 726.1 KB
Downloads: 320
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: llbarb
Added: 09/01/2016 03:31
Updated: 10/05/16 05:51:03am

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Storch 45ws model airplane plan

Storch 45ws  ( 45 in. / 114.3 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

This 45 inch wingspan personnel carrier model is fairly easy to build and fly free flight. All the formers and ribs seem to be well documented. The plan does not scale well and prints may be unusable...

Storch 45ws Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Observation
Motor: Glow-Powered
Wingspan: 45 in. / 114.3 cm
Publisher: Air Trails
Designer: Carl Gustaf Ahremark
Date: 04/1953
Plan File Info:
ID: 91215
File Size: 683.7 KB
Downloads: 385
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: CoMIYC69
Added: 24/05/2015 10:15
Updated: 18/03/16 02:15:34pm

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fieseler fi 156 storch model airplane plan

fieseler fi 156 storch

3 Views of Airplanes for Model Airplane Design

Plan File Info:
ID: 86331
File Size: 76.6 KB
Downloads: 233
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: Submitted to AeroFred
Added: 24/05/2015 09:59

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Fiesler Storch model airplane plan

Fiesler Storch

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

A very STOL German "piper cub" type of aircraft.

Plan File Info:
ID: 81168
File Size: 2.1 MB
Downloads: 430
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: granddadr
Added: 26/03/2015 23:35
Updated: 31/08/15 09:36:12pm

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

Fiesler Storch model airplane plan

Fiesler Storch  ( 27 in. / 68.6 cm )

PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

The Fieseler Fi 156 Storch was a small German liaison aircraft built by Fieseler before and during World War II. Production continued in other countries into the 1950s for the private market. This...

Fiesler Storch Details:
Type: Airplane
Class: Free-Flight
Use: Observation
Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
Wingspan: 27 in. / 68.6 cm
Publisher: Flying Models
Designer: Paul E. Del Gato
Date: 06/1959
Plan File Info:
ID: 81167
File Size: 475.2 KB
Downloads: 394
Comments: 0
Listing Editor: retired062907
Added: 26/03/2015 23:35
Updated: 02/12/16 07:14:42pm

 Plan Page   Quote Prints

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Vintage Magazines
Hlsat makes this great website with contributions from around the world.
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