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Gee Bee Model Y
AeroFred.com/Gee Bee Model Y

There are 8 Model Airplane Plans on 1 pages. Currently displaying plan 1 to 8
    Gee Bee QED model airplane plan

    Gee Bee QED  ( 24 in. / 61 cm )

    Model Aircraft

    Gee Bee QED Plan MA 262 Type Model CL Scale Sport Civil Racer. Wingspan 24in.Lowwing. Engine Diesel. Designer P.M.H Lewis. Magazine Model Aircraft August 1957

    Gee Bee QED Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Control-Line
    Use: Sport
    Motor: Diesel-Powered
    Wingspan: 24 in. / 61 cm
    Publisher: Model Aircraft
    Designer: P.M.H Lewis
    Date: 08/1957
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 103614
    File Size: 326.4 KB
    Downloads: 256
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: hlsat
    Added: 29/07/2021 08:16
    Updated: 29/07/21 09:16:10am

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Gee Bee R1/R2 model airplane plan

    Gee Bee R1/R2  ( 22 in. / 55.9 cm )

    Model Builder

    Gee Bee R1/R2 Plan 5921 Type Model FF Scale Sport Civil. Wingspan 22in.Lowwing. Engine Rubber. Designer R.J Theiss. Date May 1992 More info here...

    Gee Bee R1/R2 Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Free-Flight
    Use: Sport
    Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
    Wingspan: 22 in. / 55.9 cm
    Publisher: Model Builder
    Designer: R.J Theiss
    Date: 05/1992
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 103460
    File Size: 328.2 KB
    Downloads: 356
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: hlsat
    Added: 25/05/2021 08:22
    Updated: 25/05/21 09:22:48am

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster  model airplane plan

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster   ( 56 in. / 142.2 cm )

    Flying Models

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster  Plan CF-478 Type Model RC Scale Sport. Wingspan 56in.Lowwing. Engine Glow K&B .40 Control 4 channels. Designer Henry Haffke. Magazine Flying Models July...

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster  Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Radio-Control
    Use: Sport
    Motor: Glow-Powered
    Wingspan: 56 in. / 142.2 cm
    Publisher: Flying Models
    Designer: Henry Haffke
    Date: 07/1978
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 102022
    File Size: 497.1 KB
    Downloads: 841
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: hlsat
    Added: 22/03/2019 09:24
    Updated: 22/03/19 09:27:08am

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster 93 Inch model airplane plan

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster 93 Inch  ( 93 in. / 236.2 cm )

    PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster 93 Inch

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster 93 Inch Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Radio-Control
    Use: Sport
    Wingspan: 93 in. / 236.2 cm
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 99300
    File Size: 1.1 MB
    Downloads: 868
    Comments: 2
    Listing Editor: derfred
    Added: 22/04/2017 22:00

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Gee Bee Super Sportster model airplane plan

    Gee Bee Super Sportster  ( 30.75 in. / 78.1 cm )

    PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

    Very nice scale controline Gee Bee R model designed by Les McBrayer published in MAN magazine in its october/1951 edition It has a wingspan of 30.75 inches, engine range of .19 to .29...

    Gee Bee Super Sportster Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Control-Line
    Use: Racing
    Motor: Glow-Powered
    Wingspan: 30.75 in. / 78.1 cm
    Publisher: Model Airplane News
    Designer: Les McBrayer
    Date: 10/1951
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 96066
    File Size: 1.3 MB
    Downloads: 714
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: stg61abc
    Added: 06/03/2016 23:02
    Updated: 06/03/16 11:10:44pm

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Gee Bee Model Z model airplane plan

    Gee Bee Model Z  ( 46 in. / 116.8 cm )

    PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

    The Gee Bee Model Z is the most famous (infamous?) of the Granville brothers Super Sportster aircraft. The smallest possible airframe constructed around the largest possible engine makes a small...

    Gee Bee Model Z Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Control-Line
    Use: Racing
    Motor: Glow-Powered
    Wingspan: 46 in. / 116.8 cm
    Publisher: Vern Clements
    Designer: Vern Clements
    Date: 04/1987
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 81448
    File Size: 6.2 MB
    Downloads: 953
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: ramblejeff
    Added: 26/03/2015 23:36
    Updated: 26/01/17 08:44:05am

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster model airplane plan

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster  ( 37 1/2 in. / 94 cm )

    PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from American Companies

    The Gee Bee Sportsters were a family of sports aircraft built by the Granville brothers in the early 1930s, low-wing strut- and wire-braced monoplanes with open cockpits and fixed tailskid...

    Gee Bee Model D Sportster Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Radio-Control
    Use: Pylon-Racer
    Motor: Glow-Powered
    Wingspan: 37 1/2 in. / 94 cm
    Publisher: Radio Modeller/Argus
    Designer: Don Srull
    Date: 05/1968
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 81446
    File Size: 1.4 MB
    Downloads: 514
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: aeroastro
    Added: 26/03/2015 23:36
    Updated: 20/04/16 05:25:44pm

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Gee Bee Model Y model airplane plan

    Gee Bee Model Y  ( 25 in. / 63.5 cm )

    PDF Bitmap Wood Plans from Magazines

    The Gee Bee Model Y was a high performance sportster aircraft designed by the Granville Brothers and which was developed in one- and two-seat configurations. The single-seater version shown here...

    Gee Bee Model Y Details:
    Type: Airplane
    Class: Free-Flight
    Use: Sport
    Motor: Rubber-Band-Powered
    Wingspan: 25 in. / 63.5 cm
    Publisher: Rees Family
    Designer: Dave Rees
    Date: 01/1992
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 81439
    File Size: 1.3 MB
    Downloads: 214
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: aeroastro
    Added: 26/03/2015 23:36
    Updated: 02/08/20 02:05:58am

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

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      3d Printed "Ugly"Stick
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