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There are 3 Model Airplane Plans on 1 pages. Currently displaying plan 1 to 3
    payen pa 49 katy model airplane plan

    payen pa 49 katy

    3 Views of Airplanes for Model Airplane Design

    Plan File Info:
    ID: 88660
    File Size: 45.0 KB
    Downloads: 11
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: Submitted to AeroFred
    Added: 24/05/2015 10:07

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    payen katy 3v model airplane plan

    payen katy 3v

    3 Views of Airplanes for Model Airplane Design

    Plan File Info:
    ID: 88658
    File Size: 60.6 KB
    Downloads: 7
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: Submitted to AeroFred
    Added: 24/05/2015 10:07

     Plan Page   Quote Prints

    Katy model airplane plan

    Katy  ( 68 in. / 172.7 cm )


    The Graupner Katy is a competition free flight model designed for the International F1A (aka Nordic A2) towline glider class, hand towed to altitude using a 50 meter line, then released to seek out...

    Katy Details:
    Type: Glider
    Class: Free-Flight
    Use: Thermal
    Motor: Not-Powered
    Wingspan: 68 in. / 172.7 cm
    Publisher: Graupner
    Date: 1970
    Plan File Info:
    ID: 82207
    File Size: 1.6 MB
    Downloads: 626
    Comments: 0
    Listing Editor: aeroastro
    Added: 28/03/2015 20:19
    Updated: 29/08/20 06:58:49am

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